
Old Main

If one wants to talk about tradition, talk about Old Main. Old Main was one of the first buildings on campus and has stuck around to stay in use still to this day. Old Main is a symbol of our long standing traditions, pride, and of our dedication to community. Old Main stand at the front of out school, right behind the Main Gate, with its wonderful fountain. Behind Old Main is the rest of our campus, and all the very important buildings that came after. All of the buildings directly behind Old Main, are lined up on the UA Mall till Campbell. The picture I  have here shows how the mall is used as a path, with years of tradition lining it, all leading up to the most important building we have. Along the path of "tradition" we have many important buildings: the sport center, Bear Down Gym, Koffler, the Student Union, the Administration Building, etc. The mall is "the path of tradition". It takes years of memories, traditions and pride, lines everything up on the sides, and creates a path that the community, past, present, and even future students can walk down, to relive, and create new memories and traditions. This picture show how the mall ends, right where Old Main begins, allowing the connection from to present to be shown to all, and this sense of pride from past to present to future, gives many Wildcats hope as they pass through the mall.

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