
Free Speech

College has many things that come off as "traditional" for a college setting. College is supposed to be a melting pot of all ideologies and backgrounds. This means that people want to come to a safe, intellectual place that they can share their ideas with others and have discussion on it. This brings us to the idea of free speech. College are know for their "traditional" scene of rallies, and huge events of free speech, because we see in movies how characters attend huge events in favor of some standing (politically, religiously, etc.). In the picture shown, a massive stand and billboard is shown for anti-abortion. This group comes to campus often, in a much smaller way. This time they wanted to use their free speech and share their opinions in a bigger scene to attract more people. The use of giant billboards with very graphic pictures was able to draw the attention to passer-byers. The more people who came to the tables, the more people the anti-abortionists could get their message to. This idea of free speech truly is something that college are known for. People want to express themselves and learn about many more ideologies and outlooks on controversial topics.  The UA mall is the perfect place for the showing of free speech, in such a perfect open area where many people pass by on a regular basis. The "tradition" of free speech is often seen on the UA mall and it shows how we, as The University of Arizona, keep our traditions alive, be it a basic tradition of every college, or one of our own.

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